PinnedPublished inDataDrivenInvestor5 Ways to Start Your Day Better 🌅Do you ever wake up in the morning, and then trying to sleep right afterwards? I did that. almost. every. single. day. There’s something…Mar 17, 202312Mar 17, 202312
PinnedWhat I wish I knew when I was 25A bucket of “what if”, “what would”, and “what should”.Mar 21, 202339Mar 21, 202339
How To Get Rich – Mind Changing Netflix Show!!The book author took his financial advice on the road, “I want to teach you how to live your richest life”May 19, 20232May 19, 20232
Published inThe ShortformBe Your Own Reason, Period.Nobody gives a sh*t about you.May 9, 20237May 9, 20237
Published inDataDrivenInvestorNew Writer: 1k Followers! What To Do Next? ✍️Writing was never a regular activity that I did at an early age. I did sometimes (2 or 3 times a month) write for myself when I was not…May 9, 20233May 9, 20233
What Does Writing Consistently For 1 Month Taught Me About LIFE“Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.”Apr 26, 20236Apr 26, 20236
Published inDataDrivenInvestorDon’t You Want to Stop Writing?Writers, why do you keep writing? What does push you to write?Apr 17, 20235Apr 17, 20235
Better Now than Later #1: Talk about Debt with Your Future SpouseDeep down, you know that you know.Apr 17, 2023Apr 17, 2023